Message Baby Blog

The Future of Cloud Storage

Cloud storage has become an essential part of our lives. We use it to store everything from our personal photos and videos to our work documents and financial information. But as we rely more and more on cloud storage, it’s important to ask ourselves: how secure is our data? Ciphered.Monster

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How Cloud Storage Inspires Innovation in Education

As technology continues to transform virtually every aspect of our daily lives, it makes sense that it’s also transforming the way we impart knowledge and teach in the hallowed halls of learning, and for the better. Today’s students are always connected and at the forefront of everything digital, so by

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Time to Ditch Email Attachments for a Client File Portal

Every interaction you have with your clients leaves a lasting impression. But providing great user experiences when sharing files and collecting documents is not easy when you’re doing it over email. Luckily, there’s a better way. Message Baby ‘s secure client file portal makes collaborating with clients, customers, and external

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Take Control of Your Data with Message Baby

Do you know how valuable your company data is? From confidential client files to your most important projects to the brand new content your team is creating, today’s businesses are truly data driven. But how do you keep track of all your company’s documents and files when they’re scattered across

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Work from Home the Right Way

What started as a supposedly short-term situation has morphed into a long-term lifestyle. And while the ten-second commute and perpetual pajama pants are big perks, working from home comes with challenges that aren’t easy to overcome. We simply weren’t prepared for the long haul, throwing our precarious work-life balance way

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4 Ways to Solve All Your Meeting Problems

Ah, meetings: imperative for productivity or a total waste of time? Can both be true? Yes, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m here to tell you that it is possible to have meetings that leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the world. Seriously. If your meetings are

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The Best Cloud Storage Reviews for Business in 2022

How does your team quickly share files, keep their work backed up, and access it all securely from anywhere? And how do you do it easily, without expensive hardware, a dedicated IT team, or a steep learning curve? While document backup, file sharing, and team collaboration are certainly not new,

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